Ask Advise Refer (AAR) Training
Virtual or in-person training to help community members support
others to create successful tobacco cessation attempts.
Contact us to schedule a training date today.
NWO Network Virtual Webinar Series:
March 12 - Building & Sustaining Youth-Led Groups
Share strategies and solve challenges to grow
and strengthen youth-led programs.
March 26 - Navigating the SPF for Community Change
Collaborative exploration of the strategic prevention
framework and successful youth-led programs.
April 16 - Strategies That Get Results
Explore, apply, and strengthen evidence-based
strategies for environmental change.
April 30 - Measuring What Matters
Develop evaluation tools to effectively measure
program impact and initiatives.
Register for one or all NWO event series here.
Please check back to stay current on upcoming events!
HC3 Calendar of Events